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a rajongók által készített 8.szezon
a rajongók által készített 8.szezon : folyt köv

folyt köv

  2004.12.09. 14:32


Act III: Scene 1.
INT: The two-bedroom apartment now known as Scooby Central.

Camera shows Andrew & Kennedy in the kitchen. Andrew is unpacking and washing pots & pans as Kennedy is unpacking plates and glasses and placing them in the dishwasher. Buffy is in the living room unpacking boxes of bath towels and is dividing them into five piles as Giles and Dawn enter from one of the bedrooms.

GILES: I’ll never understand how you work on those confounded machines…I just don’t understand them.

DAWN: Well that’s why you’ve got Willow and me.

KENNEDY: Find anything? I am so in the mood to kick some demon butt.

DAWN: Well we searched thru all the files from the last week at the area morgues. Did you know there are at least five in the city of Manhattan alone, not to mention the one in Brooklyn. (Buffy gives Dawn a stop rambling look.) Oh…right. We have three possible candidates for killed by something other than a human, two for killed by a Vampire and two bodies that have disappeared from the morgues in general.

GILES: Those are most likely new vampires, but I would like to get a closer look at this one.

(Hands Buffy a piece of paper with the picture of a corpse on it.)

BUFFY: Where’s his skin.

ANDREW: Oh I want to see.

(Runs over and snatches paper from Buffy.)

ANDREW: Eeeeww.

(Xander & Willow enter thru front door)

XANDER: Eeeeww what. (Looks at picture Andrew is holding) Oh.

GILES: Willow, do you want to come with me to the morgue?

WILLOW: Oh sure, who doesn’t like looking at dead bodies?

ANDREW: Can I come? Please, I never get to go anywhere.

WILLOW: Oh…ok…it will be good to have some one more grossed out by it than me.

ANDREW: Thank you, and I promise not to throw-up on your shoes again.

BUFFY: (To Willow & Xander.) So where the two of you been?

WILLOW: Well Xander and I went door to door and introduced ourselves to those that answered.

XANDER: Yea, I’ve already got two days worth of repairs to do and we only met half of the tenants.

GILES: Any one we need to look into a little more? The files on some of the tenants that Riley gave us were somewhat vague.

XANDER: There was one guy. The guy in 3 C, he never said a word to us just kept talking to his cell phone.

WILLOW: You just don’t like him because he was cute.

DAWN: Who was cute?

WILLOW: 3 C…Jack something…I don’t remember his last name…but I think it’s Jewish.

XANDER: Yea well he was evil. Trust me I know evil when I see it and he…he’s evil.

GILES: And your such a good judge of good & evil.

(Buffy and Willow laugh)

XANDER: What? What did he just say?

GILES: Oh nothing. (Turns to Buffy who is now standing next to Willow & Kennedy.)

KENNEDY: Buffy you ready to hit the park?

XANDER: Park? I’m in.

BUFFY: You coming with Dawn?

DAWN: Na, think I’ll just hang out hear.

BUFFY: You sure.

DAWN: Yep, I’ll just hang out here and finish putting everything away.

BUFFY: Ok, but you better have done something when we get back and not just played on the Internet the whole time.

DAWN: I will, trust me I’ve been dieing to see what Riley put in the weapons chest.

BUFFY: No playing with the electro guns if there’s any in there.


WILLOW: By Dawnie.

DAWN: Bye. Have fun. Slay something evil for me.

BUFFY: Stay out of trouble and no leaving the building. (Hugs her sister)


(Waves good-bye and shuts the door then turns and runs to the weapons chest and opens the door’s grinning from ear to ear.)

Act III: Scene 2.

Dawn walks out of the restaurant on the first floor of the building she lives in sipping on a milkshake she had just bought and then sits on the front stairway leading up to the apartments. She looks up and down the street and notices a girl about her age looking at her as she approaches; she’s about Dawns height, with long red hair. She’s wearing tan shorts and a tank top with open toed shoes carrying a small bag from Barns & Nobel. As she walks up she stops in front of Dawn.

GIRL: Hi, your one of the new people that just moved in up stairs right?

DAWN: Yep, I’m Dawn. (Dawn holds out her hand.)

GIRL: Bobbie but my friends call me Bob.

DAWN: Bob? Sounds weird calling a girl Bob.

BOBBIE: I have weird friends.

DAWN: Ooo, common ground already, see.

BOBBIE: So where you from cause my mom doesn’t think any of you are from New York. (Bobbie sits down next to Dawn.)

DAWN: Sunnydale California.

BOBBIE: Never heard of it. Is it close to LA?

DAWN: Used to be.

BOBBIE: They moved the city? I didn’t know they could do that.

DAWN: Yea they moved it all right. Down. (Bobbie looks at her confused.)
It was swallowed up by a sinkhole…after a big earthquake. (Dawn says trying to remember what Riley had told them earlier.)

BOBBIE: Oh wow, yea I did hear about that. It was on the news and stuff…whole city. Gone, just like that. Were you there, that must have been scary.

(Dawn just shrugs her shoulders)

DAWN: Na, stuff like that used to happen all the time there. What’cha buy. (Dawn asked looking at the bag Bobbie had.)

BOBBIE: First Harry Potter, English edition.

DAWN: Uhm...aren't they written in English?

BOBBIE: (giggling) The ones you get here? They dropped the English slang for US slang.

DAWN (disbelieving, not disputing) They didn't!


DAWN: Geez, what if they changed the Latin too? It could completely invalidate a spe--- (BOBBIE of course is looking at her like she's crazy), I mean, that's pretty rotten, where can I find them?

BOBBIE: They're easy to pick up. A little more pricey.

DAWN: Mine had...mine were kinda...special. They were presents. From my mom. (Dawn a bit gulpy)

BOBBIE: Oh...right. She didn't move out here with you, huh?

DAWN: She's been...she died a couple years ago.

BOBBIE: Wow. How's your dad (she nods upward toward the apartments) taking it?

DAWN: My dad lives in -- Oh! Who, Giles? (Laughs) No, he's like ---he was really close with my parents. They all went to college together.

(The girls then realize someone is standing in front of them wanting to get up the stairway. It’s a tall young man about 6 foot 3 inches tall, wearing a baseball cap with sunglasses so you can’t really see his face to well. He has on tan cargo shorts with a white t-shirt that has the Detroit Red Wings Hockey team logo on it with hiking boots and socks that you can barley see. Bobbie moves to the side of the stairway and the man walks past them and goes into the building.)

DAWN: Who was that?

BOBBIE: I don’t know his name but the kids at school are calling him the Sandman.

DAWN: He goes to your school? He looks like he goes to college.

BOBBIE: Yea, He's new too. He keeps strange hours, him and his dad. I'd see them leave together early and they wouldn't get back till late...carrying just strange stuff.

DAWN: Strange?

BOBBIE: Artsy or...thrift shop...or...I don't know. Strange stuff.

DAWN: Why do they call him the Sandman?

BOBBIE: Some big fight with the jocks the first week. The first day, a guy picks a fight with him and BAM, one punch. The kid was on the football team, so next day, the captain of the team picks a fight with. Wham! Same deal. Then the word went out, that Friday after school, the rest of the team would take care of him. Nobody saw the fight -- just saw him walking away from it. Three more guys were out all next week. Now every one is scared to death of him and no one talks to him unless they’re trying to get him to join their gang.

DAWN: Where is he from?

BOBBIE: Mom said she talked to his dad by the mailboxes the first week they moved here and he had said they came from Michigan.

DAWN: You ever talk to him?

BOBBIE: No. But he smokes up on the roof. He used to leave his butts on the ground around my flowerbed, so I left a coffee can up there for an ashtray. I guess he's ok, he got the hint.

DAWN: But you haven't talked at all.

BOBBIE: Mystery guy who takes the football team down and doesn't even get suspended? I'm senior girl geek at LDB. I'll wait till he talks before I talk back.

DAWN: He is kind of big and scary isn’t he?

BOBBIE: Oh yea…so when are you starting school?

DAWN: Oh...sometime this week. It's, it's not around here though. It's in Long Island City.

BOBBIE: Private?

DAWN: It's sort experimental school…a new one, but hey what else is on the roof I haven’t been up there yet?

BOBBIE: Well there’s my flowerbed, some tables that people use and a pigeon pen.

DAWN: Pigeon pen? What’s that?

BOBBIE: Mr. DiBella has a bunch of homing pigeons he’s been raising. It kind of looks like a chicken coop if you’ve ever seen one of those.

DAWN: Yea the farm we were living on in Ohio before we moved here had an old one. You want show me it.

BOBBIE: Sure, just let me drop this off and my place and let my mom know I’m back.

DAWN: Cool. (The girls get up and go inside.)

Act III: Scene 3.

Camera pans on Buffy, Kennedy & Xander walking threw a sunny Central Park and stopping by a lake.

XANDER: Very cool -- you can rent boats.

BUFFY: Yes. Just the thing for chasing water-skiing vampires under a full moon.

XANDER: I picture more a lazy sunny Saturday drifting along with a supermodel I've casually bumped into who that a debonair demon-killin' handyman is just what she's been looking for.

BUFFY: Nice. But I think all the supermodels are in the Natural History Museum now.

KENNEDY: I hear they've been stuffed.

BUFFY: For the permanent exhibit.

XANDER: Well, perfect. Maybe they won't notice if one's out on loan?

KENNEDY: "Mannequin" lives.

BUFFY: Don't you think you might want a date that, you know, breathes?

XANDER: *coughs* I don't think I'm gonna touch that one Buff.

(Buffy winces, but good-naturedly.)

BUFFY: I think I've pretty much run through the list of eligible vampires. I'm living the song, "I'll make a brand new start of it".

XANDER: The city that never sleeps -- perfect territory for the Slayer, I'm thinkin'.

KENNEDY: *A* Slayer.

XANDER: I patrol corrected.

BUFFY: Does this mean I can even have lunch dates that don't pfoof to dust?

XANDER: Permission granted. Permission insisted on, in fact.

KENNEDY: And maybe your next guy will be breathing.

BUFFY: Yes breathing is good. Next boyfriend must be a breather of the oxygen.

XANDER: Well as nice as this little trek threw the park has been, I’m kind of bored with the whole walking threw the grassy meadows thing.

KENNEDY: Yea living in the country kind a gave me my fill for a while.

BUFFY: Ditto. Well it’s getting close to dinnertime, we should head back.

XANDER: You think the others are having fun at the morgue?

(Camera switches to a dark room, as the camera pans back slowly we see that it is a morgue and it shows us three examination tables with body’s under sheets.)

KENNDY V.O.: You know how Willow and Giles are.

(We then see the forth table just has a sheet on it and then we here a scream and things breaking.)

BUFFY V.O.: Yea there probably having a ball examining the dead bodies.

(We then see Willow and Andrew running into view and circling the other three tables.)

XANDER V.O.: In the name of science of course.

(We then see a naked Vampire is chasing them around the morgue.)

BUFFY V.O.: Oh of course.

(We then see Giles chasing after the vampire with a wooden stake in his hand.)

KENNEDY V.O.: Yep I can see them now with big grins on their faces having a ball.

Act III: Scene 4.

Camera shows an old beat up & rusted heavy-duty steel door. We hear a bang as if some one was kicking it on the other side and then it opens quickly with a thud and we see Bobbie and Dawn.

BOBBIE: The door really sticks sometimes.

DAWN: I see that. Good thing were not in a hurry.

BOBBIE: Ok, so if you ever want to find me, starting here would be a good guess.

DAWN: (Looking around.) Nice…is that your flowerbed over there.

BOBBIE: Yep, come on I’ll show you.

(Dawn & Bobbie walk towards the flower bed as the camera pans back to show the whole roof. We can see the entranceway to the roof, some patio furniture, a picnic table, the flowerbed and what looks like a small run down shack with chicken wire covering what looks like the front porch of the shack. We then switch to another camera with a close up shot of Dawn & Bobbie with the shack behind them.)

BOBBIE: I wanted rose bushes but we can't afford them so I had to settle for these. (She says while fixing some of the plants.)

DAWN: What’s that? (She asks pointing at the shack)

BOBBIE: That’s the pigeon shack.

DAWN: That’s a pigeon shack…it does look like a chicken coop.

BOBBIE: Pretty much the same thing. (She says as they walk over to it)

DAWN: Phewww! Smells like a chicken coop (waving her hand in front of her face at the smell) Rank.
BOBBIE: Mr. D. cleans it every other day ...It doesn't look like he's been up her since last week. (Looks at the water stoops) No water?

DAWN: Maybe he’s out of town.

BOBBIE: No, he would have asked me to take care of it.

(Dawn looks to the west and sees that she can no longer see the sun from behind the bigger buildings.)

DAWN: It’s getting late, I should get home.

BOBBIE: Yea, I should get home to. I’ll stop by Mr. DiBella’s on the way down and see if…

(There was a load thud from the roof door being kicked open that made the girls jump.)

BOBBIE: Oh hi Mr. DiBella. I was just talking about you.

(Mr. DiBella is the man from the end of ACT I and he is still wearing the same suit.)

MR. DiBELLA: Really

BOBBIE: Yea, I just noticed that the birds had no water and there food is low.

MR. DiBELLA: Oh well we should take care of that right away shouldn’t we Bobbie? Would you like to bring their bowls down to my place and help me fill them up?


MR. DiBELLA: Would your friend like to come to.

BOBBIE: Oh…how rude of me. This is Dawn, she just moved into the building and this of course is Mr. DiBella.

DAWN: Hello. (Dawn started to look Mr. DiBella over rather curiously) Are you ok mister?

MR. DiBELLA: Well yes, as a matter of fact I’ve never felt better in my life.

DAWN: Really? (Dawn notices something on Mr. DiBella neck.) I think we’ve got some bird food in my apartment I can go get for you if you want to wait here? Come help me Bobbie.

MR. DiBELLA: Why don’t you go get the food and Bobbie here can help me…clean the coop while your gone.

DAWN: No! I mean I need her help to carry the water while I carry the food.

BOBBIE: Is every thing all right Dawn.

(Mr. DiBella gives Dawn a look as if he knows she knows.)

MR. DiBELLA: Where are you from Dawn.

BOBBIE: She’s from that city that was swallowed up by the earth in California.

DAWN: Sunnydale. You’ve heard of Sunnydale right Mr. DiBella.

MR. DiBELLA: Why yes, my girlfriend was talking about it. She was there just before it happened.

(Dawn starts to slowly move towards the door pulling Bobbie along who just looks confused.)

DAWN: Don’t you mean your sire?

MR. DiBELLA: So you know all about my kind huh. Well that should just make this a little more fun.

BOBBIE: Make what fun?

(She asks looking from him to Dawn and then back at him still confused. And then he puts on his game face and Bobbie lets out a scream.)

Commercial Break:

Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding

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