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a rajongók által készített 8.szezon
a rajongók által készített 8.szezon : Az előző folytatása

Az előző folytatása

  2004.12.09. 14:27

Episode 145

Act I: Scene 1.
EXT. Farm House.

(Camera shot of the house, the camera starts to circle around to the back of the house, in the background you can see the Sunnydale School bus parked in the barn. The camera keeps circling the house until you see Buffy and the others standing around the kitchen threw the window. The camera then closes in on the group and then we switch to another camera that is in the house focused on Faith with a shocked look on her face.)

FAITH: Gone…my whole record…wiped clean?

(Cut to Riley Finn. He nods.)

RILEY: (deadpan) Even that incident with the naked preacher.

(The camera pulls out to reveal the assembled Scooby gang plus Graham, Riley and the lovely Mrs. Finn)

WOOD: (raised eyebrow)Impressive offer. (doubletakes) Naked preacher?

BUFFY: And the catch is?

RILEY: None. (Smiles) Don’t you think it makes sense? Hellmouth needs a guardian, (to Faith) you’ve got the creds…

SAM: Although, we would prefer it if you left the surroundings intact.

BUFFY: Hey, so not my fault.

XANDER: Yeah…Spike did it.

BUFFY: (reproachfully) Xander.

XANDER: Ok, it was Andrew.

ANDREW: What? (Looking at Riley and Sam scared)

FAITH: So, ‘stead of the big house, I cool my heels at the entrance to hell waiting for the next Big Bad to decide it’s time for a game of peek-a-boo?

WOOD: (rolling over the idea, head to one side) Well I always did want to teach in a small school district.

FAITH: Yeah you are digging this Green Acres stuff aren’t ya?

WOOD: (grinning) I’m just a simple, homey New York boy.

DAWN: Speaking of…

BUFFY: What’s the sitch in New York? I’m assuming Uncle Sam doesn’t wanna send us there for fashion week. Though, if I’m assuming wrong, I’m SO loving my country.

ANDREW: Is this going to take long? “Star Trek: Enterprise” is on in ten, and my Tivo hasn’t been the same since that demon peed on it.

BUFFY: (to Riley) Why not give us the speed version for the attention span challenged?

RILEY: Ok, there’s been a spate of disappearances in the Central Park area. We’ve gone in there and found nothing but don’t have the time or manpower to set up any type of surveillance.

SAM: So, we’d like to move you all there and set you up about a block away from the park.

BUFFY: We get a free apartment? Did we win a game show?

SAM: No, you saved the world. And it’s not an apartment; it’s a whole building.

BUFFY: (processing all this) Ok.

RILEY: And a school, if you want it. To train the new slayers. That would be in long island city; we've got a building lined up.

ANDREW: (Musing) So, Slayer Academy...interesting...Though, Giles doesn’t quite have the authority and special powers of Xavier but…

BUFFY: Geek out on your own time Andrew (interrupting) Riley...

RILEY: Just call me when you've made a decision. Giles has my number.

CUT TO: Living room. Night

GILES: It all just seems to…easy.

WILLOW: Yea, I mean we’ve been the ones circling the globe trying to find all the new Slayers and now BANG there’s a school all ready to teach them stuff.

BUFFY: How did they know about the new slayers in the first place?

WOOD: Maybe they had made contact with the council before they were destroyed.

FAITH: My money’s on a spy…they might of had someone in town keeping an eye on ya B.

GILES: No I think Robin may be closer to the truth than we think. I was being kept out of the loop on a few projects and Roger had been sent to the states on one of them. He could have been negotiating a partnership with the Initiative then.

XANDER: You really think Riley would have been spying on you all this time?

BUFFY: Maybe…I mean he did know about me working at the Doublemeat Palace.

DAWN: But that doesn’t mean anything bad right? I mean didn’t he send you help for Spike as soon as you asked for it?

KENNEDY: I think you all are putting way too much thought into this. The way I see it it’s simple, stay here and grow corn or move to New York City and find some action.

WILLOW: (Sees Buffy’s dirty look.) It’s not that simple hon.

KENNEDY: Well it should be.

DAWN: And just cause we do go there doesn’t mean we can’t come back if things don’t work out.

FAITH: And be honest B, do you really want a bunch of stuffy ol Watchers and trigger-happy solders training all those girls?

DAWN: I say we try it.

KENNEDY: I’ll second that.

XANDER: I got to vote with them Buffy. What about you Will?

WILLOW: I don’t know…I’m still not sure I like this idea.

GILES: Well like Dawn said, we can always come back if it doesn’t work out the way we would like.

BUFFY: I’m not so sure either…but since this is a democracy…. Lets vote. All in favor of Moving to New York and hunting Demons in the park by night and running an apartment building (Looking at Giles) and a school by day, raise your hands.
(All the Scooby’s raise their hands.) All appose?

(Faith raises her hand and everyone looks at her.)

FAITH: Hey it’s not fair…you get to move to New York while I’ve got to stay here, down on the farm.

BUFFY: (Smiles) Looks like were off to the big city.

XANDER: I believe they call it “The Big Apple”.

DAWN: Yea, Sax Fifth Avenue her I come.

GILES: I’m never going to be rid of you people am I?

XANDER: Nope. (Puts his arm around Giles) But just keep thinking about all the Libraries and Museums and you’ll be fine.

GILES: I hadn’t thought about that. (He begins to grin from ear to ear.)

(Faith leans over to Buffy)

FAITH: Does he always drool like that when some one mentions Libraries?

BUFFY: Scary isn’t it?

FAITH: Frightening.

Act I: Scene 2.

Camera opens on the front of the farmhouse, its night and you can hear the crickets chirping. All of the lights are off in the house except one upstairs, as the camera gets closer it focuses on Faith who is standing on the front porch alone smoking a cigarette and looking up at the star’s. Buffy peeks out the front door and walks over to Faith joining her.

BUFFY: Nice night huh. (She frowns when Faith doesn’t respond but then starts talking a little louder.) Hello Faith, Faith this is Houston do you read?

(Faith jumps, a little bit startled.)

FAITH: Oh! Dam B, I didn’t hear you come out.

BUFFY: Wow, look at you all seriously staring off into space…literally. What’s up, wanna talk.

(Faith laugh’s a little)

FAITH: Did you ever…and be honest, ever think we would be this close.

(Buffy walks up next to her and leans on the railing looking up at the stars.)

BUFFY: Once. That Christmas, when you first came to Sunnydale, we all seemed to get along pretty good. Mom was even thinking about asking if you wanted to maybe stay with us instead of that dirty old motel you where staying at. Of course Dawn was all gung-ho about it.

FAITH: Dawn? Really?

BUFFY: Oh yea, she just thought you were the coolest thing since soda in a can. I was so jealous of the way Dawn would talk about you.

FAITH: And then I tried to kill you.

BUFFY: And Dawn was back on the Buffy bandwagon.

FAITH: Your mom…she was something special, always had a way to see people for what they really could be.

BUFFY: Yep. Huh, I guess that’s why she was never scared of Spike.

FAITH: Speaking of souled vamps…I'm gonna talk to him you know. Let him know I'm back in the states. So what do I say 'bout you and the crew?

BUFFY: Don't say anything.

FAITH: C'mon, B…he's gonna ask.

BUFFY: Say we're still overseas.

FAITH: You think he doesn't know what he's doing? Look…Buffy…Angel's no kitten up a telephone pole. Boy knows his way around hells. This demon-law firm…he'll know the angles.

(Buffy gives Faith a completely neutral non-committal look. Absolutely flat, no info-face.)

FAITH: Honest, he'll be fine…five-by-five ya know?

BUFFY: (With a bit of a smile but a bit of a barb too) Just for future note, that's not a phrase I find REALLY reassuring.

(Faith gives a rueful laugh at this one brief line that encapsulates a lot of the nastiness they went through.)

FAITH: OK, shady lady. Geez, guess the Captain and Ms. Colonel made the right choice.

(They stand quite for a moment.)

BUFFY: You going to be alright here with all this…quiet? (She asks looking around)

FAITH: Yea, I think I can handle it, besides I got Robin to keep me company.

BUFFY: Faith and Robin sitting in a tree.

FAITH: Don’t you start that crap again or I’ll have to send you to the Big Apple with a black eye.

(She says bumping Buffy with her hip.)

BUFFY: Oh! Still think you can take me.

(Faith looks at her with a grin.)

FAITH: One more round before you go…for old time sake.

(Buffy looks over her shoulder to see if any lights are on in the house.)

BUFFY: Why not. But fully padded, I don’t want to spend my first few days in New York thinking about two day old bruises.

FAITH: Sure…take all the fun outa it.

(Faith looks at the barn and then hops the railing.)

FAITH: Race ya!

(The girls both grin and race to the barn, the camera stops when they reach the door and shows them shutting the door and the lights coming on from inside. Then you can hear the faint sounds of a fight occurring and stuff breaking inside the barn.)

Act I: Scene 3.

INT. bedroom. Faith entering, sees the bed made-up, untouched, her eyes are immediately drawn left where two plates of darkly colored candles set on a dresser are burning and throwing shadows and flickering light into the room. Faith blinks reacting, and we detect movement in the mirror. She leaps spins to one side, fully prepared for an attack -- instead we see Wood, blue-night robed, with some soft cloth folded over his right arm.

WOOD (Wryly): One day a Slayer's going to surprise me and walk into a room.

FAITH (Relaxing, folding arms, nods towards the bed): I thought you'd be under the covers. (Looks to the bed then around the room.) Missing body, darkness & candles usually spells bad mojo and demon smack down…or chick TV.

WOOD (Mock shiver, then dryly): Lifetime movies just months after the First, Turok-Han and being run through? Please, god, no.

(Wood steps towards her and vice-versa.)

FAITH: So what's with the smooth & the -- (touches robe) ni-ice.

WOOD: Well…(Notices bruise on her arm.) So, I see you just had pleasant Slayer-to-Slayer chat, hm?

FAITH: What can I say? Girls will be girls.

WOOD: Usually. (Unfolds the robe over his right) Here.

FAITH: What, I don't rate the shiny one?

WOOD: This? It's showy. Not really all that comfortable. Besides, it's not your size.

(Faith turns her back to Wood and the camera, takes off her top, pulls on a pale blue robe, Robin's egg blue, the color of the blue she had on in her 'This Year's Girl' dream).

FAITH: Damn. When you're right --

WOOD: Which is always --

FAITH: Which is when? (Surprised) Well, OK, like now. (Pulls it closer round her) Warm too. But it's not shiny-sexy.

WOOD: It's not shiny, no.

FAITH: So ---

(Faith pulls Wood by the lapels of the robe, but he takes her hands and moves behind her)

WOOD: So relax, Slayer. Your shift's over.

(He then lightly presses her down to sit on the side of the bed, and he sits cross-legged behind her. He then begins massaging her shoulders.)

FAITH: Slayer. So weird. Everyone still calls B that. Nobody else ever calls me that. Ow!

WOOD: If that really hurt, no wonder no one else calls you Slayer.

(Faith is silent for a few moments as Wood continues the massage.)

FAITH: You're not going to split on me as soon as everyone leaves, are you?

WOOD: It depends. (Jesting) Maybe I can't put up with the second-hand smoke. The little Slayer cells might be able to stake the fangy little cancer cells, but African-American men have a short life expectancy. Not, of course, as short as Slayers. Especially ones who let themselves be ambushed in dark bedrooms.

FAITH: Saying I'm sloppy, sensei?

WOOD: Naah. But who has whose hands around whose neck?

(Faith makes a quick move, and is on top of Wood in a flash, laughing.)

FAITH: Good question.

(Wood makes a countermove and is on top of Faith and they fall off the other side out of sight.)

FAITH: (Off camera) I’ll show you who's sloppy.


(A couple enters an Apartment the man walks in first. He looks to be in his late forties and is bald on top with hair only on the sides wearing a nice suit. The Woman looks to be in her early thirty’s and is wearing a nice dress.)

MAN: Please come in, sorry about the mess but I’ve lived alone since my last roommate moved out a year ago.

WOMAN: Oh that’s ok.

(He takes her coat and sets in on the couch, not noticing her lock the door.)

MAN: Let me get you that drink we talked about.

(He goes into the kitchen as she looks around.)

MAN: (Calling from the kitchen.) Are you hungry? I think I’ve got some chips & Dip.

WOMAN: Oh, the drink will be fine for now.

(She turns around to the camera and then vamps out.)

WOMAN: Well maybe just a little something to nibble on.

Commercial break.

Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding

Season 8 "The Jr. Scooby's"


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