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Képek Drurol
Mózer Károly
a rajongók által készített 8.szezon
a rajongók által készített 8.szezon : folytatás


  2004.12.09. 14:30

episode 145 részekre tagolva

Act II: Scene 1.

We start with a camera shot of the front of the house where Andrew is carrying a very large duffle bag out the front door and over to an Army truck. The bag is to big for Andrew to see around and he bumps into a Private who is Helping Dawn load a bag into the truck. Willow and Kennedy are walking toward Dawn and Andrew coming from the barn.

ANDREW: (To the Private) Sorry.

WILLOW: Hey guy’s, did you hear anything coming from the barn last night?

DAWN: No, Why?

KENNEDY: Cause the place is trashed pretty good.

WILLOW: I wouldn’t go that far, but it is very messy.

ANDREW: I thought I heard some one out there last night when I was in the kitchen.

WILLOW: What time was that.

ANDREW: Around midnight. I just thought it was one of you Slayers working out cause you couldn’t sleep.

KENNEDY: Wasn’t me.

DAWN: What were you getting in the kitchen that late at night?

ANDREW: Oh, just some milk and cookies.

WILLOW: Milk and Cookies?

ANDREW: They help me sleep.

(Willow just bites her bottom lip as the others just look away trying not to laugh. Then Willow spots Buffy coming out the front door carrying a bag and walking with Sam.)

BUFFY: Thank Uncle Sam again for the luggage, would have hated to move to New York carrying all our clothes in little plastic grocery bags.

SAM: A woman has to have some standards.

BUFFY: Right.

(Buffy and Sam walk up to the others in front of the truck.)

BUFFY: Hey you guy’s all packed up and ready?

DAWN: It’s not like we’ve collected a whole lot since the Hellmouth swallowed up the entire city of Sunnydale.

WILLOW: Yea we kind of only got out of town with the shirts on our backs.

KENNEDY: And some of those weren’t even worth keeping.

BUFFY: I miss my clothes.

ANDREW: I miss my action figures.

(The girls just stare at him for a minute.)

ANDREW: What? Is there something on my shirt? (He starts to look himself over.)

WILLOW: Hey Buff did you do some training last night?

BUFFY: Who me? No…sleeping like a baby I was.

PRIVATE: Can I take your bag mamma?

BUFFY: Who? Oh sure.

(She says handing him the bag. Willow notices her wince in pain when she takes the bag off her shoulder and hands it to the Private. Xander walks out the front door carrying his bag talking with Riley and Graham.)

GRAHAM: That must have hurt like hell.

XANDER: Oh yea. He was getting ready to do the other eye when Buffy came to my rescue and then Spike carried me out.

RILEY: I’m still having trouble with the idea of him saving the world.

XANDER: Hey, right there with you big guy.

GRAHAM: I wonder if it had anything to do with the chip.

RILEY: Maybe? (He looks off as if he just had a thought.)

(Xander hands his bag to the Private and then looks around.)

XANDER: Anyone up for one last stroll around the old homestead?


(He says excited and then shirks down when every one turns to him with questioning eyes.)

KENNEDY: That actually sounds like a good idea, being this will most likely be the last fresh air we breath for a while. (Turns to Willow.) Coming?

WILLOW: Na, you go ahead.

KENNEDY: Ok, come on Andrew. (She says putting her arm around him and walking back toward the house with him and Xander as Giles, Wood & Faith are walking out.)

GILES: Now don’t you hesitate to call if you need help identifying a type of demon.

WOOD: Giles, we’ll be fine really.

GILES: Or if you have any questions at all…on anything you can always.

(Faith cuts him off.)

FAITH: G-Man chill. We got it bro, and if we need your help well call. Don’t worry.

(Willow sees Faith has a little bit of a bruise under her right eye.)

WILLOW: Hey Faith, were you training last night?

(Faith looks at Buffy who is looking away and then back at Willow quickly.)

FAITH: Yea I worked out kind of light last night and forgot to clean up.

BUFFY: Light work out? (She says surprised.)

FAITH: Yea nothing to heavy, just a light toss before bed.

BUFFY: Really, so that’s just make up under your eye?

FAITH: Yea bumped into a board that shouldn’t have hit me in the face when I ducked.

BUFFY: Zigged when should have zagged huh?

FAITH: Yea something like that, but it won’t happen again. (She says smiling.)

(Willow walks up behind the two of them and puts her arms around both of them making them jump from the pain in their shoulders.)

WILLOW: Oh and we were all getting so close.

(Buffy & Faith both squirm out from under her arms with the look of pain on their faces.)

FAITH: Yea. One big happy family.

RILEY: Ok, lets get this show on the road. (As Xander, Andrew & Kennedy make there way back to the group.)

(Every one begins to hug Faith and shake hands with Wood, saying good-bye.
They then all pile into the Army truck and drive off as Faith and Wood stand in the drive way waving good bye.)

FAITH: Alone at last.

WOOD: Light work out last night huh? I don’t suppose Buffy was there?

FAITH: Hey, that’s just between us girls. So what do you want to do first? (She asks taking his hand in hers as they turn and walk back toward the house.)

WOOD: We could run around the house naked.

FAITH: (Grinning from ear to ear.) You read my mind.

(She then runs to the house taking off her top on the way with Wood right on her heels following her lead.)

Act II: Scene 2.

Camera starts with a shot of New York city and then move’s in on the school from the air as a green army bus and two Humvee’s pull up in front of the school as we hear Frank Sinatra sing:
“If I can make it there,
I'll make it anywhere,
It's up to you - New York, New York.”
We then switch to a camera shot in a cafeteria, we see the Scooby’s and the Finn’s sitting at a table eating lunch.

RILEY: Well what do you think of the school Giles.

GILES: Well even though the building isn’t completely finished it’s still very nice and I expect it will be a wonderful institution of learning once you have finished cleaning it up. Not as nice as the one I attended in England but it should do rather nicely.

SAM: We were able to salvage some things from the school you attended in England.

GILES: That’s wonderful, I’m glad that Caleb was unable to destroy the Watcher Academy as well as he did the Head Quarters.

RILEY: Yes well the explosive device he used on the Academy was more of a firebomb meant to trap the students inside and let the smoke kill them.

XANDER: As apposed to the just blowing the holy hell out of the building like he did with the HQ.

SAM: Yes, well both devices were extremely successful considering that 80% of the students that were killed at the academy died of smoke inhalation.

XANDER: I’m so glad you got that guy (turning to Buffy and then back to the others)…to think what he might have done if Buffy hadn’t found the Scythe.

RILEY: Speaking of which I’d really like to take a look at that weapon. I’m really curious to see what it’s made out of.

BUFFY: Well you can tell your boss’s that it’s in a safe place and that having it analyzed by your people was not part of the deal.

DAWN: So no you cannot play with her new toy. She’s really not the sharing type, trust me I know.

SAM: Are you sure, because if we can find out what it’s made of we might be able to make more so…(Riley cuts her off when he notices Buffy becoming annoyed.)

RILEY: No, that’s ok honey. It belongs to her and it’s her call.

BUFFY: Thank you.

RILEY: Not a problem, but that does bring up a question I have.

BUFFY: About the Scythe, Really? (Gives him a look as if she’s not surprised.)

RILEY: No, about Spike. (Turns to Xander) Yesterday you said Spike carried you out of the winery.

XANDER: Yea? (Looking confused)

RILEY: Well it got the three of us talking last night. (Pointing toward Sam & Graham) About why he stayed in Sunnydale after the Initiative was originally disbanded.

DAWN: Well besides being in love with my sister, maybe he just wanted to help.

ANDREW: Plus he got his soul back.

GRAHAM: Yea but why? He was still evil and in love with the slayer? Why would he go get his soul back if he was evil? For love? You would think he’d try to get the chip out first.

RILEY: It kept me up for a while last night thinking about it and I think I might have an idea.

XANDER: Good then maybe you can explain it to me.

BUFFY: To us. (She says with grin leaning in to give him her full attention)

(Riley looks and sees every one is waiting for his reason for Spike wanting a soul.)

RILEY: It's possible that his brain adapted to the chip, somehow began to trigger a guilt response at the same time as the pain...sort of like Pavlovian conditioning

WILLOW: (Excitedly to Buffy.) Oh! Hey we read a paper on that in Professor Walsh’s class, from the Journal of Experimental Psychology.

BUFFY: (looking confused) Journal of what?

WILLOW: It was on the animal behavior processes remember?

BUFFY: Oh…gotcha. (Turning to Riley) You mean, like, with the dog and the bell and the food...only with the guilt and the pain.

RILEY: (Raises an eyebrow surprised she remembers.) Yeeeah...just like a dog. So when Spike wanted to hurt humans, he'd feel guilt as well as pain. And then over time this may have triggered a sub conscious response. Some memory of what it was like to have a soul was reawakened.

BUFFY: (Shakes her head quickly as if coming out of a trance and turns to Graham) Professor Walsh is still dead right?

GRAHAM: Yea, why?

BUFFY: Just tiring to find out who physic boy is sucking up to now. (Graham laughs)

RILEY: It's just a theory. But I'd like to test it out. Maybe we could catch us another vampire install a chip, let it go and see what happens.

XANDER: Like a catch and release program.

DAWN: Like they do with animals.

RILEY: Right but I think we would should try it with two. One who wants it and one who doesn’t.

BUFFY: Well you keep looking for that one that does and I’ll keep staking the ones that don’t.

RILEY: It's just a theory I'd like to test it out…someday.

KENNEDY: Ok, so we’ve seen the school and all the neat little training rooms and stuff but when are we going to go check out our new place.

BUFFY: Well Riley and I kind of talked about this a little yesterday. And in order for us to make it look good we cooked up a little story.

RILEY: And to make it look somewhat believable we had people going around the city yesterday buying stuff and packing them into moving boxes.

DAWN: Stuff? What stuff? The whole city is gone; every thing in the city was buried under…well every thing else in the city.

XANDER: Yea, there’s no way we could have gotten anything out of there.

SAM: Well the government kind of covered up the story a little bit on this side of the country.

WILLOW: What do you mean?

BUFFY: They mean every one in the country thinks the city was flattened by an earthquake first, and then slowly sank into a giant sinkhole.


RILEY: And by now every thing should have been moved into the apartments Buffy assigned you all too.

KENNEDY: Wait a minute assigned us…you mean we have no say in this?

WILLOW: Kennedy I’m sure it’s fine.

KENNEDY: But we should have had a say in this.

GILES: I’m sure the sleeping arrangements well be fine and we can always trade if were not happy with them.


BUFFY: Ok then are we all ready to go see our new home.

(Kennedy was about to say something else but Willow lightly nudged her to stop.)

BUFFY: Ok…lets go home.

Commercial break

Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding

Season 8 "The Jr. Scooby's"

Buffy utolso része
Dru és Spike
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Buffy és Spike
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