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a rajongók által készített 8.szezon : A 8.szezon

A 8.szezon

  2004.12.09. 14:25

Buffy episode 145

Buffy Episode 145 - "New York, New York"

Buffy Episode 145 - "New York, New York"

Season 8, Episode 1 Powers to Be:
Written & Directed By: Whitenight
Co-writers: WolframandHart, Taffy13, JL and Joe
Writing Consultants: Ravyn & Djungelurban

Promo Designers: JL & Joe


I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel the Series". They were created by Joss Whedon and belong to him, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Television, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th Century Fox Television, WB and UPN Television Networks.

~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~

GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

(Scenes from Season Seven) British Country side, Day:
GILES: (To Willow.) You're connected to a great power, whether you feel it or not. It's inside you now, this magic. You're responsible for it.

(Next Scene) Church, Night:
BUFFY: Find what?
SPIKE: The spark. The missing...the piece that fit.
(Buffy's face shows shock, disbelief and, finally, comprehension.)
BUFFY: Your soul. You got your soul back.
SPIKE: So everything's OK, right? (Sighs)
(Spike embraces the crucifix, resting one arm over each side of the cross bar, and resting his head in the corner of the vertex. His body is sizzling and smoke is rising from where it touches the cross.)
SPIKE: Can—can we rest now? Buffy...can we rest?
(A close-up of Buffy's face shows that she is crying now.)

(Next Scene) Living room at Buffy’s house, Day:
(Dawn's standing in front of three girls. The three girls are lined up against the wall, and Dawn's inspecting them, arms crossed in front of her.)
DAWN: They're all slayers?
GILES: Potential slayers. There were many more like them all over the world, but, um, now there's just a handful, and they're all on their way to Sunnydale.

(Next Scene) Buffy’s house, Night:
(Buffy, Faith, and Spike walk into Buffy's house through the front door. Dawn and Giles are at the dining room table.)
BUFFY: We have a new houseguest.
FAITH: Hey, got a spare bed for a wanted fugitive?

(Next Scene) Buffy’s Basement, Night:
BUFFY: (looks at the amulet, then at Spike) Angel said the amulet was meant to be worn by a champion.
(Spike looks down, disappointed, but Buffy walks forward and hands it to him.)

(Next Scene) Hellmouth, Day:
(Buffy laces her fingers through Spike's, and they burst into flame together.)
BUFFY: (softly, looks into his eyes) I love you.
SPIKE: No, you don't. But thanks for saying it. (Another earthquake; Buffy let’s go of his hand) Now go! (Buffy runs up the stairs) I wanna see how it ends.
(Spike stands in the crumbling Hellmouth with light shining down on him from above, grinning from ear to ear and laughing as he burns up from the sunlight. He dusts slowly—first his skin singes, then his muscles, then his bones—then he's gone. The Hellmouth crumbles in around him.)

(Next Scene) Outskirts of Sunnydale, Day:
Widen the shot vertically to show that the whole town is collapsing in on itself, being sucked back into the Earth.
The "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign still stands, perched precariously on the edge of the canyon. The sign teeters a little before falling backwards into the pit that used to be its city.

(Next Scene) Outskirts of Sunnydale, Day:
XANDER: (walks up to Andrew as he gets off the bus) So, did you see?
ANDREW: (can't look at Xander) I—I was scared. I'm sorry.
(Camera shot of the Sunnydale High hallway.)
XANDER V.O.: Did you see what happened? I mean, was she...
(We see Kennedy helping the weakened Willow walk. Xander and Dawn are making their way out of the building as well.)
ANDREW V.O.: She was incredible. She died saving my life.
(As the building falls down around them, Xander screams out for Anya.)
XANDER V.O.: That's my girl. Always doing the stupid thing.
(He doesn't see her body lying limp and lifeless on the floor beneath some rubble. Dawn pulls him away toward the exit)

(Next Scene) Outskirts of Sunnydale, Day:
WILLOW: The First is scrunched, so... what do you think we should do, Buffy?
FAITH: Yeah, you're not the one and only chosen anymore. Just gotta live like a person. How's that feel?
DAWN: Yeah, Buffy. What are we gonna do now?
(As the others chatter around her, Buffy just stares straight ahead at the hole formerly known as Sunnydale. As she contemplates what's next, she smiles.)

Episode begins: Teaser
EXT: Old Country Road.

(We see an aerial shot of an old beat up Dodge Van driving down a dirt road passing a mailbox every so often and the words “South of Cleveland” appear on the bottom of the screen for about 15 seconds, as the camera moves in toward the windshield we see Willow is driving and Kennedy is sitting in the passenger seat. Buffy and Dawn are sitting in the bench seat behind them with Faith in the seat behind them. The back of the van is full of bags from different stores.)

FAITH: That is the most shopping I’ve ever done in my life. That mall was brutal and so help me god, if you ever try and make me do this again…some one is getting seriously hurt.

DAWN: (looks at her bashfully and bats her eyes.) Even me?

FAITH: Nah. You’re safe, besides if I hurt you who would I get to do my laundry?

DAWN: Long as you don’t mind some of your things accidentally ending up in my closet…that’s fine with me.

BUFFY: And being as we share a closet, I agree.

DAWN: Yea right, like you would actually wear any of her stuff.

BUFFY: I might…like that black leather skirt.

DAWN: And the black leather bra that goes with it? Like you could pull that off.

BUFFY: Oh, I could so pull that off.

DAWN: And so the pre-mid life cresses begin.

BUFFY: Hey what’s that supposed to mean?

DAWN: Nothing…(Quietly) mother.

BUFFY: Oh you did not just call me you’re…

WILLOW: Hello driving up here, don’t you make me pull this car over. (Willow says in her manly voice.)

KENNEDY: (Whispers to Willow.) Will you give me a good spanking if you do?

WILLOW: (Blushing, she looks back to see if anyone heard Kennedy and then whispers back.) You know it.

KENNEDY: Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet? (Smiling at Willow)

WILLOW: (Laughing.) Stop it I’m…Uh-oh, Buffy I think we got trouble.

(Willow pulls the van into a driveway)

BUFFY: What?

(Close up of Faith’s face, color drained out of it)


(A Military Hummer is parked in front of a house. A soldier is standing by it and looks towards them as they slowly pull in the long driveway.)

FAITH: Damit! I knew this was to good to last. I finally find a guy that I can stand being around for more than ten minutes and there gonna put me right back in with all-women bin.

DAWN: No you can hide. Willow could do a spell or….

BUFFY: No Dawn. Faith is right. Game’s up.

(Buffy gives Faith a look and then motions for the door with her head.)

FAITH: (Smiling in surprise) B! Are you suggesting I run from the law?

BUFFY: As a law-abiding citizen, I would never say such a thing. But the Army on the other hand?

(Makes a more urgent gesture with her head. Faith just smiles as the girls get out of the van but the military guy just stands there watching. Then Buffy hears a familiar voice.)

GRAHAM (Off Camera): Private, help the ladies with their bags. (He says coming out the front door of the house.)

PRIVATE: Yes sir. (And then goes and collects all the bags)

BUFFY: Graham Miller. What brings you to Ohio?

(Buffy folds her arms, standing in front of Faith. Graham doesn't look interested in Faith, just nods hello to Buffy. Suddenly a look of worry passes over the slayer's face)

BUFFY: Oh god Riley! He’s not dead or anything…

(Another figure steps out from the house. It's Sam Finn)

SAM: No he’s fine and using your hea…I mean bathroom.

BUFFY: (Puzzled.) Oh. So then…what brings the governments finest to our “Little House on the Prairie?

SAM: We have an offer for you

BUFFY: One I can’t refuse?

SAM: (Shrugs.) Depends…how do you feel about moving to New York City?

Wolf Howl, Buffy's theme plays. Opening credits roll.

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Anne Summers
Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn Summers
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris
Tom Lenk as Andrew Wells
Iyari Limon as Kennedy
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles

Marc Blucas as Riley Finn
Ivana Milicevic as Sam Finn
Bailey Chase as Graham Millar
James Lafferty as Mick Neme
Lynsey Bartilson as Bobbie Morris

Special Guest Star:
Eliza Dushku as Faith
D. B. Woodside as Principal Robin Wood

Cut to commercial

Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding

Season 8 "The Jr. Scooby's"

Buffy utolso része
Dru és Spike
Képek James Marsters
Buffy és Spike
Spike és Angel képek
Shara képek
Képek az Angel 5.szezonjábol

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