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a rajongók által készített 8.szezon
a rajongók által készített 8.szezon : 146. folytatása

146. folytatása

  2004.12.09. 14:46

146. folytatása

Act II: Scene 1.

Next day, Camera pans around the room at the new school, lightly reminiscent to the high school library in Sunnydale. Dawn, Andrew and Willow are walking in.

ANDREW: Why is it just us again?

(Willow turns from gathering books to put on one of the large tables in the center.)

WILLOW: Because Giles is in England, Buffy and the other Slayers are out doing patrol route stuff, and Xander is playing Super Super at home. Apparently there’s a lot of stuff to fix.

DAWN: And what exactly are we looking for?

(Willow looks at them.)

WILLOW: Anything to help against sudden ghost invasions. I had a personal visit this morning, and it wasn't pleasant, and no, I don't want to talk about it.

DAWN: (hesitates, wanting to ask, then just goes on.) Why were they there, anyways? I mean, have that many people died in our apartment building? That’s creepy.

(Willow thought.)

WILLOW: Actually, that’s a good point, Dawn. Why don’t you look up our building’s past?

(Dawn looks at Andrew.)

DAWN: Remind me not to make brilliant suggestions ever again.

(Andrew just ignores her, and sits at the table.)

ANDREW: Are we looking for ways to banish the ghosts? And are they really ghosts? I mean, they could just be projections of an insane sorcerer or something. (Gets look from the girls) Not that I know anything about that sort of thing.

WILLOW: I think we should work on getting rid of them, yes. I was thinking maybe a séance to ask them why they’re still around...not that that worked so well last time we had this sort of problem....

DAWN: And there’s like a million of them. Do we really want to call and ask so many ghosts what the hell they want?

ANDREW: Good point. I don’t want to make them mad. Mad ghosts lead to smashed things and people getting killed. Or something. But it’ll be badness, that I know. I mean, hello, I got the wrath of The First. Badness. (He thinks) Well, ok so maybe it wasn't technically a ghost, but still. (beat) So we’re looking for spells?

WILLOW: Well...I don’t spell last night completely backfired on me.

DAWN: What happened?

WILLOW: I’m not sure...It was like my magic just... Well it seemed like it wasn’t there. Like the power well had gone dry. There wasn’t anything to draw from.

ANDREW: Really? Has that ever happened before?

(Willow shook her head, sighed, and sat down, opening up her laptop.)

WILLOW: Let’s just concentrate on fixing the ghost problem.

ANDREW: So we’re looking for non-magicky things for now?

WILLOW: Yeah, if at all possible.

(Dawn clears her throat to change the subject.)

DAWN: Well, one thing’s good. You look better today, Willow.

(Willow smiles at her.)

WILLOW: Yeah...I guess I just needed some air or something... I’ve felt just fine sine we got here.

ANDREW: Next time you’re going to faint, warn me.

WILLOW: Why’s that?

ANDREW: It was traumatic.

(He doesn’t offer any other explanation, and starts reading. Both girls look at each other, a bit confused, and then start researching.)

Act II: Scene 2.

(Cut to Xander at the apartment building. He looks a bit ridiculous, flannel shirt, tool belt, hat on; he’s prepared to fix anything that comes along. He whistles out of tune as he walks down the hall, eyeing a list in his hand.)

XANDER: Miss Parker...Miss Parker...Aunt May? Can Peter come out to fight evil with us? We could use the wall crawler some days. (Does the Spiderman hand motion) Bam! Take that vamps! Aw...are you too sticky to run away while I stake you?

(He chuckles at his own joke, and then he checks the list, and looks up at an apartment door, checking the number on it. He knocks. A little old woman answers the door.)

Mrs. PARKER: Yes?

XANDER: Um...are you Mrs. Parker?

Mrs. PARKER: Yes. Are you here to fix my sink, young man?

(Xander smiles at her.)

XANDER: That I am, ma’am.

(Xander gets let into the apartment. Reaction shot first, of him wincing visibly, then cut to the sink, which has brown, thick something with things floating in it filling the sink. There’s water dripping from the cupboard under it, and Xander groans.)

Mrs. PARKER: I’ll just be in the living room watching my programs.

(Mrs. Parker leaves, and Xander shakes his head, and heads towards the sink, a disgusted look on his face. Shot of Mrs. Parker watching television.)

XANDER: (off camera) Oh God!

Act II: Scene 3.

Cut to Buffy, who’s sitting in the ‘headquarters’ apartment, surrounded by the new Slayers.

BUFFY: Today we’re going to go and map out our patrol routes. Obviously, we need more than one. You girls will likely be split into groups in order to cover more territory when we start active patrolling.

(The Slayers all give Buffy varying degrees of dirty looks.)

SHANNON: We want to go shopping!

COLLEEN: We have to start school here soon, can’t we take *one day* to go have fun!

CARIDAD: I wanted to see some of the sights!

(Kennedy sits and gives Buffy a rather smug smile.)

KENNEDY: See, Buffy? I’m not the only one.

(Buffy fixes everyone with her stern look, crossing her arms.)

BUFFY: Look, everyone this is really for your own good and safety...

SHANNON snorts and shakes her head. Kennedy stands up.

KENNEDY: Buffy, we can do things for our own good tomorrow. We want to have a little fun, and you are *way* out numbered. Geeze, girl, unclench for a day.

(Buffy shakes her head.)

BUFFY: After all we’ve been through you still don’t get it...

(Kennedy frowns, starting to get angry.)

KENNEDY: No, I think it’s you who doesn’t get it, Buffy. We. Need. To. Have. Fun. You know, before we get ourselves back into life threatening situations? Maybe for you life is all work, but for the rest of us, we want to get in some good times before we croak.

(Buffy glares hard at Kennedy as the rest of the girls nod and agree.)

BUFFY: (voice clipped) FINE. We’ll go out shopping and sight seeing. But tomorrow I’d better not hear even *one word* of complaint, get it?

she shouldn't say get it....she should get got it

(The girls are all smiling now, and grudgingly agree. They file out, Buffy and Kennedy the only two left in the apartment.)

BUFFY: I just want you all to be safe.

KENNEDY: No, you want to lead. And you may not want any joy in your life since your pet vampire died and you’ve had (air quotes) “issues” your whole life, but that doesn’t mean we don’t.

(Kennedy walks out before Buffy can answer, and Buffy stands there, looking stricken for a few long moments before she follows.)

Act II: Scene 4.

Cut back to Library. Dawn suddenly sits up, looking at a huge dusty book.

DAWN: Hey, found something...

(Willow and Andrew look up.)

DAWN: Ok, listen to this. Our apartment building is pretty, one of the older buildings in the city old.

ANDREW: Looks modern enough to me.

DAWN: It’s been re done every...ten years. (She frowns) Yeah...ten years. Apparently it just has a tendency to fall apart...

WILLOW: Fall apart?

(Dawn nods.)

DAWN: Yes. According to this, the building is re-done every decade by the family of the man who built it.

(Willow frowns.)

WILLOW: That’s strange. Did you find anything about deaths?

(Dawn nods, points at her notebook page. It’s got several names written on it. Willow takes the notebook, and frowns at it.)

WILLOW: Well there’s certainly been a lot of deaths there...but...

DAWN: Not enough to account for all of the ghosts we saw.

WILLOW: Oh...that’s horrible.

(They all nod.)

WILLOW: (shakes her head) Ok, well, good work on the building, Dawnie. You might as well start researching the people who built it.

(Dawn groans but doesn’t say anything, and goes to get herself some new books. Willow frowns at her computer screen.)

WILLOW: I wish I knew what exactly we were dealing with. It’d be so much easier to figure out how to get rid of them.

ANDREW: All of them? Even your cat? Because I think it’s your new Familiar.’d be a bad idea to get rid of the cat too.

(Willow glanced over.)

WILLOW: Hmm...hadn’t thought about may well be. And well, I do kinda like the cat. She kind of helped me this morning...How are you doing on the ghost busting?

(Andrew sighs.)

ANDREW: There isn’t much. You know, they made it look *so* easy in the movie. Just a little unlicensed thermonuclear firepower and a light trap and there you go! Ghosts gone bye bye.

WILLOW: Well, I'm pretty sure we don't have any of those lying around.

ANDREW: You know, I bet War--never mind. I didn't say anything. (He sinks in his seat) don't hit me.

(Willow rolls her eyes.)

WILLOW: I'm not going to hit you. Just...enough with the movie stuff. We need stuff that'll actually work.

ANDREW: Spells maybe? I mean, maybe me or Dawn could, y’know. Do them. Or something. Or not.

(Willow thinks.)

WILLOW: I'd like to see if we can find something non magical at the moment...if we can't find anything, then we'll have to look for spells. But not yet, ok?

(Dawn comes back to the table with more books.)

DAWN: I wish Xander were here. I’m in serious need of donuts.

ANDREW: Yeah, he’s lucky. Got out of research.

(Flashes of Xander fixing things, breaking things, having water squirt in his eye, things falling on him, him getting horribly dirty and having a miserable time.)

(Willow sighs.)

WILLOW: You know who I wish was here? Giles. He always knows exactly what and where to research.

Act II: Scene 5

(Giles is sitting drinking a quiet pint, obviously enjoying it. He’s waiting for someone. A young woman, about 21 years old walks in. She's smartly dressed; hair pulled back in a severe ponytail, cheekbones you could cut yourself on. She's carrying a briefcase. Giles looks up, gives her a nod. She joins him.)

GILES: You must be Claudia?

CLAUDIA: Yes. Giles?

GILES nods, they shake hands, slightly awkwardly.

GILES: Can I get you a drink?

CLAUDIA: Vodka and soda please.

(Giles smiles, goes to get her a drink. While he’s away, she’s fiddling with something under the table – possibly sending a text message. He returns with another pint and Claudia’s drink.)

CLAUDIA: Well, this is odd, isn’t it?

GILES: It’s becoming an ever more familiar experience for me. I’ve been sent to pick up (he realizes what that sounds like as Claudia raises an eyebrow)…or rather, meet new slayers on a number of occasions now. But for you, yes. It must be.

CLAUDIA: So…mine is a high and lonely destiny is it?

(She makes a theatrical gesture. There’s something slightly odd about this girl – she’s hiding something. Giles smiles. He’s trying to weigh her up but failing miserably. He’s used to Californian girls who babble away till you know every inch of their brains. This cold fish is confusing him.)

GILES: Not so lonely. After all, there are a hundred or so of you, you know. Well, not of you, literally, but, you know….

CLAUDIA: (smiling) How long have you been in California Mr. Giles?

GILES: Long enough to sever all links with coherent sentences, apparently.

(He takes off his glasses and starts cleaning them.)

CLAUDIA: Yah, so it seems. And that tweed's got ex-pat written all over it.

GILES: Miss Gorman...I came to England to collect a slayer, not for sartorial advice.

(Pause. He's obviously annoyed)

GILES: I don't always wear tweed you know.

CLAUDIA: I'm sure...

(They sip their drinks in silence for a moment. Claudia seems perfectly happy not to make small talk, and it’s not exactly Giles’s specialty.)

GILES: Are you able to leave today?

CLAUDIA: I handed in my resignation. My suitcases are packed. I’m ready.

GILES: Good. Very…efficient of you. (beat) So you are…were…a civil servant?

CLAUDIA tosses her hair, very blasé, very dismissive. She doesn’t really want to talk about this, evidently.

CLAUDIA: Ya…terribly terribly dull I’m afraid.

GILES: I suppose it must be more or less like being a watcher. Only with less weapons training.

(Claudia smiles, innocently.)

CLAUDIA: No…no weapons training whatsoever. Unless you count burying people alive in paperwork. Though I did fence for Cambridge. Actually, the day…it...happened – when I became a slayer- I was in the fencing salle, fighting this girl I really don’t like…

GILES claps his hand over his mouth.

GILES: Good Lord! Did you hurt her?

(Claudia smiles, mysteriously.)

CLAUDIA: Oh yes. I didn’t call her in the morning.

GILES: Sorry? I…

CLAUDIA: You do remember irony don’t you?

GILES harrumphs a bit at this.

GILES: America’s not an entirely savage nation you know!

CLAUDIA: Oh, I know that. But, you see, winding you up is such fun. And so very easy.

GILES groans, smiling

GILES: Come back Buffy, all is forgiven!

CLAUDIA: Did she tease you too? Wicked! I like her already…so, tell me about my new…shall I call them colleagues?

GILES: We generally call them…us…Scooby’s. (off her look) They’re very keen on pop culture references.

CLAUDIA: Oh, that’s ok. I watch loads of telly.

GILES: You would’ve got on famously with Spike then.

CLAUDIA: Who’s Spike?

GILES: (sighs) Well, that’s a question I’m still asking myself…but, in short. He was evil. Then he wasn’t.

CLAUDIA: Like Satan’s biog backwards!

GILES: And he ended up saving the world.

CLAUDIA: So…the illegal love child of Satan and Jesus.

GILES: Ah. So you’re a Sun reader I assume, from the illegal love children simile...

CLAUDIA (mock-annoyed): I read the Guardian too!

GILES: So…Cambridge…left wing…civil servant....

(He grins, teasing her back. He's glad that they’re starting to get along.)

GILES: You’re not a spy are you?

CLAUDIA looks flustered for a moment.

CLAUDIA: No! Don’t be silly. (Pause) So, do tell me more about Spike. I’m intrigued.

GILES: Well, he recently died saving the world...

CLAUDIA: Really? You don't sound exactly grief-stricken?

GILES: We weren't exactly friends.

(Claudia leans in, interested.)

Act II: Scene 6.

(Cut back to Library, where Dawn is laying her head down on her arms on the table. She is obviously not paying attention to anything around her as she stares off.)

DAWN: (softly) Do you think he went to heaven?

(Willow looked up.)


DAWN: Do you think he went to heaven.


(Andrew speaks without looking up.)

ANDREW: Spike.

(Willow thought about that for a long moment.)

DAWN: Well? Do you?

(Willow sighed and sat back, looking at Dawn.)

WILLOW: Dawnie...

(Dawn sits up, looking a bit upset.)

DAWN: No one wants to talk about it. I haven’t brought it up with Buffy because I know she’ll either wig on me or just walk away. But I didn’t forget him the moment we left Sunnydale, ok?

(Willow looks a little apologetic at Dawn’s outburst.)

WILLOW: I’m sorry, Dawnie. I didn’t forget him either. None of us’s just...

DAWN: Just what? No one wants to talk about how he sacrificed himself? What exactly happened to him?

(Willow sat forward, putting a hand on Dawn’s arm.)

WILLOW: Calm down, Dawn.

(Dawn looks down.)

DAWN: Just...humor me. Do you think he went to heaven? I mean, he died for, like everyone. Shouldn’t that balance the scales? Shouldn’t there be some reward for that?

ANDREW: Yeah, cuz that's how it works...(shakes his head) once you've gone evil you just never know if you'll ever be redeemed. I mean I could do good for the rest of my life and still fry---

(Dawn turns a glare on Andrew, who shrinks back in his seat.)

DAWN: I can’t stand thinking of him suffering in some hell dimension after all he did. I just hate it. I miss him and I don’t think I ever got to tell him that I forgave him for everything and that he was my friend and I loved him. How do you not tell someone that? I just didn’t. And now I miss him and I don’t want him to be in a hell dimension. So do you think he went to heaven?

WILLOW: Dawn...

DAWN: Don’t ‘Dawn’ me. It’s like with Mom. She was just dead one day, and I didn’t get to say I was sorry for being a big brat and that I flipped out a lot and that I loved her so much. I didn’t get to tell her any of that! Then she was just dead. It’s bringing it all up. I hate that I’m here again. In the same position. I...I keep remembering now that he’s gone how we used to be, y’know? He used to tell me stories and watch out for me and call me all those stupid nicknames. And then things were bad and I was so angry with him. But now that he’s gone I just can’t seem to forget about how I felt safe with him and he cared and he friend.

(Dawn looks up, tears standing out in her eyes, and Willow hesitates.)

DAWN: (whispers) I have to know, Willow. Just...tell me. He wouldn't have lied to me.

WILLOW: I don’t know, Dawnie. I’ to think so too. I mean, he was evil ever, but he did do a lot of good too. But I don’t know how it works. The best we can do is hope that wherever he is now, it’s a good place. Because you’re right. He...was a friend. Even though he screwed up a lot. And he wasn’t my favorite person in the world. He...did good.

(Andrew clears his throat, and the girls look at him. He looks sheepish.)

ANDREW: So um...since we're on the subject of dead people...I think I thought of something to help with the ghosts.

Cut to commercial.

i'm not part of the cult, i'm just the godhead

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